Meet Our Horses

9 Year old Warmblood gelding. Oberon was imported from Europe as a jumper. He and his young owner were a great team until she went off to college. To ensure his life long protection, he was donated to Forever Protected Equine. Oberon is working at Milestone Equestrian and earning income for his retirement. This horse is protected for life.

21 Year old Warmblood gelding. Oracle's origins are unknown. He was a winning Event horse for many years even winning a Bronze in Dressage. He became a schooling horse at 16 years old. Oracle is working at Milestone Equestrian and earning income for his retirement. This horse is protected for life.

24 Year old Warmblood gelding. Ollies origins are unknown. He was a Fox Hunting Field Hunter for many years. At 18 he became a school horse teaching hundreds on children and adults to ride, and winning in the shows! Ollie is working by teaching beginners at Milestone Equestrian and earning income for his retirement. This horse is protected for life.

15 Year old Zweibrucker gelding. Chacco's origins are unknown. He was a 1.30M jumper for years. At 15 he has become a lease horse for new riders to begin to show at Milestone Equestrian. Chacco is working and earning income for his retirement. This horse is protected for life.
Retired Horses

24 year old draft cross gelding. He was a Fox Hunting Field Hunter for many years. At 18 he needed a less stressful job. So for the next 4 years Bentley became a school horse. His kind and dependable demeanor taught hundreds on children and adults to ride with confidence. Bentley is now retired in Mariposa CA. He is protected for life.

23 year old Tb Mare. Lola began her journey as a race horse. Then became a polo pony competing for several years. After her show career she taught beginners how to play polo. When that job became a bit too much she taught beginners to ride in a riding academy for 3 years. She is now retired in Mariposa CA. Lola is protected for life.

25 Year old Thoroughbred gelding. Abe was a show hunter for many years, winning multiple championships. He retired from his show career and spent 10 years teaching beginners how to ride and jump. He is now retired and living at Horsey Haven, a private equine retirement facility in Sacramento foothills. Abe is protected for life.
Rainbow Bridge

25 Year old Andalusian mare.She was a wonderful and trusted school horse for may years until she retired. She pass over the rainbow bridge in 2024. She was very loved and protected for life.

25 Year old Quarter horse mare. Lilly beginnings are unknown. She was a trusted pack and trail horse for 10+ years. At 19 years old she became a wonderful and kind school horse, teaching hundreds of kids and adults to ride with confidence. She was the perfect canter teacher and was very loved. She pass over the rainbow bridge in 2023. She was protected for life.