to ensuring that working horses avoid mistreatment and neglect as they age by contributing to their retirement accounts during their working years.
(Basically Social Security for horses)
Each equine discipline has its own criteria for when a horse is past its prime...
FPE's goal is to ensure working horses avoid mistreatment and neglect as they age by contributing a small part of the income they earn to retirement accounts during their working years.
- Horses are so often discarded when no longer suitable for the job they were originally purchased for.
- These horse can be sent off to auction once they become a financial burden...This can land a still useful and wonderful horse in a slaughter yard.
The FPE Program!
1. Instead of a still working horse getting sold off, the owner donates the horse to FPE
-Owner receives a tax break
2. FPE horse is then leased back to an appropriate program based on condition
-Situations vary from individual clients, riding academies, therapeutic program, emerging athlete school programs and more.
Program based lease fees go towards FPE fund to maintain all horses.
- Funds ensure maintenance for horses remaining years of service and retirement.
FPE will provide proper placement for every horse
Horses in working condition are leased out or placed in appropriate work situations
Aging horses can be leased to trainers, riding academies, and individuals for less intensive work than their previous job. The lease fees go towards the horses retirement.
(Basically social security for horses)
Non-working horses can be placed in a non-riding therapy program or a permanent, loving retirement home.
Injured horses can be laid up until ready for work again. Yes, we do accept injured horses.